Micro check-ins to
gauge developer experience

Make check-ins a part of your workflow to improve developer experience with asynchronous standups, retrospectives, and developer surveys, all via Slack and Email.

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Get started in seconds with pre-filled templates

Use Hatica's library of ready-to-use templates to automate your recurring workflows, such as standups and sprint retrospectives, and run developer surveys to gather feedback on critical processes like CI/CD and code reviews.

Visualise Check-ins Data with actionable insights about your team

Gain a deeper understanding of your team’s progress, sentiment, and overall well-being collected over time from your check-ins.

Screenshot of Hatica App on Slack

Customise check-ins for your workflows

Can't find the right template? Create custom check-ins and tailor them to your specific team's needs with our wide range of question types.

Designed to seamlessly fit with your workflows

Customise the notification schedules, timezones, platforms and templates to fit your team’s needs. We support both Slack and Email. Participants receive check-in notifications via Slack or email, and their responses and reports are automatically posted on the respective platform.

Hatica Activity Log Dashboard

Frequently asked questions

Hatica integrates seamlessly with all the apps that power your digital workplace

Hatica natively integrates with Git, Project Management, CI/CD tools, Communication tools, and Incident Management tools.


Ready to dive in? Start your free trial today

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