Hatica Goals

Make Hatica a part of your engineering team and your development process by adopting meaningful goals mutually agreed upon by your team and automate deviations, feedback loops, and measure progress.

Hatica Cycle time dashboard

Set meaningful goals

After identifying bottlenecks in your SDLC process, adopt PR goals like merge target, LoC targets, code quality, cycle time metrics, well-being metrics, and project metrics.Pick from our vast library of goals created and adopted by industry experts in their quest towards engineering excellence

Automate progress reminders

Setup custom reminders to help nudge your team towards meeting the mutually agreed upon goals.Promote visibility and transparency in the team by adopting goals for the entire team, and having progress reminders posted on the team channelIdentify tasks and work items that need additional help in terms of meeting their goal

Cycle time steps breakdown from Hatica cycle time dashboard

Visualize productivity improvements

View details about adopted goals to dive deeper into the progress and identify what needs attention

  • gain visibility into the data behind the Goal deviations
  • begin your RCA from the data behind the deviations

Ready to dive in? Start your free trial today

Overview dashboard from Hatica