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11 KPIs for Engineering Teams to Increase Productivity

Here’s an ebook on top 11 engineering KPIs for software engineering teams that aim to leverage data to drive engineering excellence and boost productivity.

Hatica Cycle time dashboard

Key Engineering KPIs

Data-Driven approach is mission critical to achieve engineering success in modern day engineering teams. However, as an engineering leader, it becomes difficult to identify bottlenecks, red-flags, and potential challenges that may arise across the SDLC and hamper the performance of your engineering team.

The challenge is lack of visibility into data points and inability to handpick the right metrics that can help you make better and informed decisions leading to the success of your project. Choosing the right set of metrics and Engineering KPIs at individual and team level can be a daunting task.

In this ebook, we deep dive into 11 Key Engineering KPIs that are crucial for boosting overall engineering team performance.

With the help of these engineering KPIs, engineering leaders will gain complete visibility into the overall performance, identify opportunities for standardization and improvement across projects (and teams) and maximize the overall impact of their engineering teams.

Download ebook now!