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[Report] The State of Engineering Productivity
We surveyed engineering teams across roles and hierarchy to understand how they operate, what makes them productive and unproductive at work and how do engineering leaders tackle the persistent challenges within their teams. The State of Engineering Productivity report highlights how engineering teams define and perceive productivity.

Report Summary
Engineering Productivity has become one of the most talked about topics amongst engineering teams and leadership recently. It all starts from the existential question every leader often asks themselves and their teams, “Is my team delivering enough value?”
In the process of value creation, it has become imperative to understand, “How do engineering teams define, measure and perceive engineering productivity?”
In that quest we surveyed engineering teams, conducted 1:1 interviews to produce this comprehensive report, The State of Engineering Productivity. This report covers:
- Demographics — the impact roles, company size, and work setup has on the overall sentiment.
- Team vs Personal productivity — how engineers and managers rank themselves and their team, based on their role and work setup.
- Productivity offenders & boosters — identify enablers and deterrents in achieving engineering productivity
- Engineering metrics — key engineering metrics and KPIs teams use
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