Engineering Analytics to boost developer productivity

Hatica aggregates activity from all your work apps to power software engineering dashboards and gen AI-driven insights to help teams drive velocity, alignment and well-being

Hatica Cycle time dashboard

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Driving sustainable improvement from small distributed teams to 30,000 people enterprise


improvement in Cycle time leading to significant improvement in delivery velocity


improvement in planning and delivery accuracy sprint-over-sprint


improvement in Maker time resulting in improved well-being and drop in employee attrition

How Hatica works to drive productivity and success for your engineering team

Comprehensive work visibility so you can base your decisions on the whole picture

How it works - Hatica

Align engineering reality with business expectations.
Be on track, sprint after sprint!

project health dashboard

Project Health

See important metrics about project, engineering, and the sprint in one simplified view

Investment allocation

Investment allocation

Understand where your engineers are spending the most time in, and align those efforts with business goals

Planned vs Delivered work

Planning accuracy

See how much of the work done in the sprint was planned vs how many were actually completed by the end of the sprint

Software Engineering Analytics

Software Engineering Analytics

Combine git, project, and collaboration data to get insights into dev workflows to help your engineering teams do their best work

Cycle time metrics

Track Pull Requests broken down into different stages starting with coding to deployment to identify SDLC velocity, bottlenecks in particular steps and PRs, and opportunities for potential improvement
Learn more about Cycle time metrics

DORA metrics

Measure DevOps performance with metrics including Deployment frequency, MTTR, Change failure rate and Lead time
Learn more about DORA metrics

Code review metrics

Understand important code review metrics like Unreviewed PRs merged, PR size, and others to qualitatively understand the state of code review and collaboration in your teams

Work Insights

Hatica streamlines the engineering team’s operations by aggregating all work activities and progress onto a singular dashboard. It provides visibility into what your teams are working on, identify blockers and get actionable insights.

Aggregated work explorer

Discover all work activity across git and project management tools alongside metrics to track team progress asynchronously

Automated work updates and async stand-ups

Run automated async stand-ups vis Slack, Email or the Hatica app and be in the loop asynchronously and view them alongside team progress and activity
Learn more about Automated work updates and async stand-ups

Review dashboards for Sprints

Identify the wins, the gaps in allocation, progress in goals and use these to have data-driven discussions in sprint retros
Hatica work insights
Hatica Collaboration Insights

Collaboration insights

Understand and measure how your teams collaborate to build an engaged and cohesive digital workplace.

Maker time metrics

Get insight into how much focus time your team members have to get their work done vs the time spent in jumping between meetings
Learn more about Maker time metrics

Quiet days

Identify and prevent always-on culture by gaining visibility into off-work hour meeting times during work days

Meeting time and heatmap

View heatmap of meetings and a breakdown of the types of meetings partaken by your team members in an effort to understand over work, well-being, and more

Hatica integrates seamlessly with all the apps that power your digital workplace

Hatica natively integrates with Git, Project Management, CI/CD tools, Communication tools, and Incident Management tools.


Data-driven Leadership

Know how your people work, where they invest their time, and what you can do to help them succeed

A better way to send money.


Org-wide workforce and workflow planning

Create a culture of data-driven excellence by aligning effort and investments with business objectives


Team-level process and performance analytics

Accelerate delivery, drive engagement and promote success and team well-being with the help of data-driven insights


Productivity boost with metrics-driven workflows

Access metrics for pull requests, tasks and other work items to be able to cut through the noise and focus on what needs your attention.

Product Highlights

Rated #1 for Likelihood to Recommend

4.8  out of  5  stars
Hatica emerges as a G2 High Performer Spring 2022
Hatica emerges as a G2 High Performer Spring 2022
Hatica emerges as a G2 High Performer Summer 2022
Hatica receives Users Love Us badge from G2
Hatica emerges as a G2 High Performer Fall 2022
Hatica emerges as a G2 High Performer Winter 2022

Ready to dive in? Start your free trial today

Overview dashboard from Hatica