
How to Tag Releases in GitHub?

A Git release is a GitHub object that allows you to display official program versions on your project page. The post talks about how to tag new GitHub releases.
How to tag releases in GitHub?

Git is a popular version control system that assists developers in effectively managing their code. It enables developers to track changes to their code, collaborate with their team, and keep a history of their work. Git tags are a powerful feature of Git that allows developers to mark specific points in Git history as significant events. This helps in version control and makes it easier to track and maintain project releases. 

A Git release is a GitHub object that allows you to display official program versions on your project page. The object displays a specific commit point, a Git tag, and the release status. Managing releases on the GitHub website is a simple and straightforward process.

What are Git Tags?

A Git tag is a lightweight, permanent label that is attached to a specific point in Git history. Git tags are commonly used to mark release points in a project, such as v1.0 or v2.0. Tagged Git releases can be easily distributed, making it easier for users to download and manage the code.

Types of Git Tags

There are two types of Git tags: lightweight and annotated.

Lightweight Tags

They are simple pointers to a specific commit in Git history. They are the equivalent of a branch that points to a specific commit but never changes. Lightweight tags are easy to create and manage but lack the additional metadata that annotated tags provide.

Annotated Tags

These type of tags, on the other hand, are stored as full objects in the Git database. They contain a pointer to a specific commit, along with additional metadata such as the tagger name, email, date, message, and signature. Annotated tags are more robust and secure than lightweight tags, making them a good choice for marking releases.

Why Use Git Tags for Release Management?

Git tags are an essential tool for release management. They allow developers to easily track and manage releases, making it easier to identify and revert to previous versions if necessary. With Git tags, developers can quickly and easily manage the release process, ensuring that each release is properly documented and labeled for future reference.

How to Create a Git Tag?

To create a Git tag, you first need to checkout the commit that you want to tag. Then, you can run the following command in your terminal:

$ git tag <tag_name>

To create an annotated tag, you can use the -a flag, followed by the tag name and a message:

$ git tag -a <tag_name> -m <message>

Once you have created your Git tag, you can push it to a remote repository for sharing and distribution. You can use the following command to push your tags to a remote repository:

$ git push origin <tag_name>

Manage Git Releases from Tags on GitHub

Here are the steps to manage Git releases from tags on GitHub:

Access the Releases Page

To start, navigate to the Releases page by clicking "Draft New Release" on your GitHub repository. You can also access the page quickly using the following URL format:<username>/<repository>/releases

Choose a Git Tag

Next, click on "Choose a tag" to open a dropdown menu and select the desired Git tag for your release. If you haven't created a tag yet, you can type the name of a new tag and hit "Enter."

Creating a Git tag

Set the Target Branch

For new tags, you'll also need to select the target branch for the tag by using the "Target" dropdown menu.

Add a Title and Description

Give your release a title and a descriptive summary in the designated fields. You can also upload files and images to enhance the description. If you prefer, you can also choose the "Auto-generate release notes" option. To credit contributors, simply @mention them in the description.

Attach Files

In the next section, attach any additional files and binaries that are related to the release.

Mark as Pre-Release

If your release is not yet ready for production and may contain bugs, check the "This is a pre-release" box.

Publish the Release

Finally, hit the "Publish release" button at the bottom of the page. Your newly created release is now publicly visible, complete with all its details and information.

Git tag releases


Git Tagging is a convenient and efficient way to manage your software releases on GitHub. By following these steps, you can create a Git Tag release quickly and easily, allowing you to focus on developing and delivering high-quality software.

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Table of Contents
  • What are Git Tags?
  • Types of Git Tags
  • Lightweight Tags
  • Annotated Tags
  • Why Use Git Tags for Release Management?
  • How to Create a Git Tag?
  • Manage Git Releases from Tags on GitHub
  • Access the Releases Page
  • Choose a Git Tag
  • Set the Target Branch
  • Add a Title and Description
  • Attach Files
  • Mark as Pre-Release
  • Publish the Release
  • Conclusion

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