Hatica Ranked #1 Momentum Leader in G2 Spring 2023 Reports

G2 Spring 2023 Reports are out, and we are super delighted to share that Hatica has been recognized as the Momentum Leader in software development analytics tool category, while bagging Users Love Us, and High Performer Badge five times in a row.
Hatica Ranked Momentum Leader in G2 Spring 2023 Reports

Hatica has been recognized as the #1 Momentum Leader in the Momentum Grid® Report for Software Development Analytics Tools | Spring 2023. We have also made our mark in the Grid® Report by winning the High Performer Badge once again in the Software Development Analytics Tools category. At 97%, Hatica is one of the most likely to be recommended. 

In addition, we are currently trending #1 in the Software Development Analytics Tools category. 

We are also ranked #1 for Productivity Updates along with the following:

Rated #1 for Analytics and Trends

Rated #1 for Ease of Use

Rated #1 for Price

Rated #1 for Testing Integration

Rated #1 for Data Context

While it’s just been three years in the journey, these rankings stand true to Hatica’s vision of empowering engineering teams through actionable engineering analytics

The strides wouldn’t have been possible without our customers whose constant support and feedback has helped us to reach where we are today. And for that, we thank all our users for the trust they have put in Hatica. 

Accolades from G2 Winter 2023 Report - A Quick Recap 

Hatica has been consistently winning hearts, and user approvals. Even G2 seconds us here! 

G2 Recognized Hatica as a High Performer in G2 Winter 2023 Report. 

In the G2 Winter 2023 Report, Hatica bagged the #1 for Productivity Updates tag with:

Rated #1 for Likelihood to Recommend

Rated #1 for Meets Requirements

Rated #1 for Analytics and Trends

Rated #1 for Ease of Use

Rated #1 for Price

Rated #1 for Testing Integration

Rated #1 for Data Context

Our Badge of Honor, Our Customers! 

Hatica might be the newest kid on the block but we surely have managed to offer a unique proposition for our customers and their engineering teams by putting them in the centre of what we build. G2 reviewers praised Hatica for its quality of support, ease of use, and efficiency:

  • "It has become a single access place to analyze the productivity and efficiency of all the developers across platforms. I was able to cut down on the meeting times leading to improved efficiency, thanks to Hatica," says Gaurav Srivastava from Bobble.ai.

Check out what other users have to say about Hatica here.

What Makes Hatica Different?

Hatica envisions data-driven engineering teams who are able to deliver their best work, without sitting blocked, or stuck and have a  fair understanding and estimate of their capacity, resource allocation and planned vs actual work spent sprint over sprint. We are on a mission to equip engineering leaders with visibility so they can build productive engineering teams and optimized developer workflows

We started with 20 engineers, and after 3 years of sheer hardwork, and team support, we have managed to impact 20k+ developers and engineering leaders, 2M+ PRs, and 4.5 million+ commits. 

Hatica works by aggregating activity from all your work apps into dashboards to help engineering teams drive velocity, alignment and well-being.

Hatica’s cycle time dashboard has helped engineering teams in improving their development velocityvelocity by 50% along with improved pickup time, and 2x faster project deliveries. What’s more is that our users through Pull Request metrics have managed to stop merging of unreviewed PRs, and even following the 300LoC threshold. 

Dev cycle time breakdown from Hatica

Moreover, we not only believe in creating better workflows, but also focusing equally on team health, and well-being. Hatica’s maker time metrics ensures 120-minutes of uninterrupted focus time to developers so they can work without losing their flow state- one of the sure shot ways for engineering teams to preempt any signs of burnout. With timely reports, our teams have managed to soar their maker time by 40%

Maker time dashboard by Hatica

Our async standups is another hit feature, and one of the most loved among our customers. With Hatica check-ins, managers can conduct async standups, and be in loop of team’s well-being, daily work items, and dev satisfaction, without interrupting developers. 

Activity log table by Hatica

See more of our most loved features here

Ready To Take Your Engineering Success To Next Level

Request a demo today to learn why Hatica is #1 in the Momentum Grid in the G2 Spring 2023 report. Talk to our experts to know how Hatica equips engineering teams with end to end workflow visibility  for continuous improvement and see for yourself what makes Hatica a trusted platform for fast-growing brands like Amenify, Bobble.ai, and more. 

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Table of Contents
  • Accolades from G2 Winter 2023 Report - A Quick Recap 
  • Our Badge of Honor, Our Customers! 
  • What Makes Hatica Different?
  • Ready To Take Your Engineering Success To Next Level

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Overview dashboard from Hatica