G2 Winter 2024 Report: Hatica Takes Home Best Est. ROI, High Performer and Momentum Leader Again

Hatica dominates G2 Winter 2024 Report with Best Estimated ROI, Momentum Leader, and High Performer spots. Know how we drive engineering success with data-backed insights. Explore now!
Best Estd ROI, Momentum Leader, High Performer: What Hatica Took Home in G2 Winter 2024 Report

Winter wind can’t chill Hatica’s fire as our winning streak in Software Development Analytics space continues! 

G2 Winter 2024 Reports are out, and we are taking home 10 badges this year. Best ROI, Momentum Leader, Users Most Likely To Recommend – you name it, we bagged it.

The report is a testament to the love, and trust we received from our customers. So from the bottom of our hearts (and slightly frostbitten fingers), thank you! 

Every thumbs-up, every insightful comment, every time you choose Hatica fuels our mission to build the best damn engineering management platform around. We'll wear these badges proudly, not as trophies, but as reminders that we have come a long way, but have a longer path ahead in delivering engineering excellence for engineering teams everywhere. 

2024 is going to be even bigger, and we can't wait to conquer those next peaks with our customers, and proud Haticans by our side.

Driving Engineering Success: Top Badges for Hatica in G2 Winter 2024 Report

Trending software development analytics tools in G2 Winter 2024 report

Hatica is rising through the ranks each season, and this winter report is no exception. This time, our wall of fame shines bright with:

G2 Winter 2024 Report Hatica badges
  • Best Estimated ROI badge in Results Index
  • Users Most Likely To Recommend badge in Results Index.
  • Momentum Leader in the Momentum Grid® Report for Software Development Analytics Tools category 
  • Fastest Implementation badge in Mid-Market Implementation Index
  • High Performer badge in both Mid-Market Grid® Report, and Small-Business Grid® Report 
  • High Performer badge in Asia Regional Grid® Report 
  • High Performer badge in Asia-Pacific Regional Grid® Report, and India Regional Grid® Report 

We have also been ranked: 

  • #1 for Price 
  • #1 for Meets Requirements
  • #1 for Likelihood to Recommend
Hatica ratings in G2 Winter 2024 Report

Isn’t that cool? More than just being cool, it is a testimony to the fact that customers find value out of Hatica and they are more than willing to recommend our product to other businesses as well.

Hatica’s Achievements Over The Year 

Earlier this year, G2 Spring 2023 Report recognized Hatica as the #1 Momentum Leader in the Momentum Grid® Report for Software Development Analytics Tools. 

We also bagged High Performer Badge, and rated: 

  • #1 for Productivity Updates 
  • #1 for Analytics and Trends
  • #1 for Ease of Use
  • #1 for Price
  • #1 for Testing Integration
  • #1 for Data Context

The streak was later continued with G2 Summer 2023 Report, and G2 Fall 2023 Report, where we won: 

  • Momentum Leader in the Momentum Grid® Report third time in the row 
  • High Performer in Grid® Report for Software Development Analytics Tools
  • Leader in Small-Business Grid® Report for Software Development Analytics Tools category | Fall 2023
  • #1 for Likelihood to Recommend in Small-Business Grid® Report
  • Best Meets Requirements Badge

From a two-men team to G2 award winner in just three years, Hatica's growth story is fuelled by one mission: empowering every engineering team through actionable engineering analytics. We wouldn't be here without our incredible customers, and their unwavering support– together, we'll unlock the next era of engineering excellence.

Our vision is to become a single landing app for all engineering leaders to promote alignment, velocity and well-being in their engineering teams.

Our Customers, Our Pride!

Hatica’s 4.8 rating on G2 is the testament to our customer-focused product, and the real-world impact it drove for engineering teams. 

Our customers surely agree with us! Here are some customer reviews we received this winter: 

"Hatica helps us manage our resources and time better, it helps us understand the synergy, speed and direction of our team."

- Nikita Srivastava, Lead Engineer

“We did not have any visibility wrt to the quality and the amount of work that our team was doing. Hatica helps us run our team effectively where the leadership team gets easy access to performance metrics of the team. Our managers use Hatica to drive efficiency in the team and identify ways of working which can be costly in future such as the right PR sizes, code reviews, time to develop features etc.”

-Mohit Jain, CTO, LoyalticsAI

Beyond the Spotlight: What Hatica’s G2 Ratings Mean For Engineering Leadership 

Year after year, the engineering playground gets bigger and more exciting. With the advent of new technologies, high engineering demands, and growing complexity in SDLC processes, teams are striving to push the boundaries of what’s achievable. 

However, can an engineering team truly excel without a clear view of their work, without visualizing the overall progress on a single pane? Intuition can be a great teammate for development teams, especially given their years of experience battling complex engineering systems. But the real MVP is data-driven visibility. 

Hatica does just that–to boost work visibility, accelerate software delivery, understand resource allocation, and help engineering become a growth center from a cost center. 

This year, one feature that helped engineering leadership sail through economic uncertainty was our resource allocation dashboard. The data-driven visibility helped the executive team to map engineering efforts, and time with business goals.

Hatica resource allocation dashboard

Hatica’s cycle time dashboard too was another hit for engineering leadership, to empower them to move fast, and deliver faster by removing SDLC bottlenecks. The result? 

50% velocity boost, 3X faster sprints, and a team that thrives on sustainable progress.

Hatica cycle time dashboard

We take care of your people, as much as your processes. Our maker time dashboard helped engineering managers preempt signs of burnout, improve focus hours for devs by 40%, and culled meeting creep so they can deliver real, productive work without facing much blockers. 

maker time insights by Hatica

Hatica check-ins too will keep your development team aligned, and communication barriers low with async standups. No scheduling snafus, no frustrated devs, just pure, uninterrupted maker time.

Activity log explorer by Hatica

Next year is just around the corner, and it is going to be our launchpad for even greater engineering feats. Expect smarter workflows, accelerated delivery, and happier teams, all powered by data-driven insights.

Let Hatica be your partner in driving engineering excellence! 2024 is the year to navigate engineering challenges with precision and power. 

Request a demo today, and unleash engineering breakthroughs for your team. 

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Table of Contents
  • Driving Engineering Success: Top Badges for Hatica in G2 Winter 2024 Report
  • Hatica’s Achievements Over The Year 
  • Our Customers, Our Pride!
  • Beyond the Spotlight: What Hatica’s G2 Ratings Mean For Engineering Leadership 

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Overview dashboard from Hatica