
How to Create Roadmap in Jira: Step-by-Step Guide

Learn how to create a roadmap in Jira with our step-by-step guide for effective project planning. Discover the best methods and practices here!
Setting Up Jira Roadmaps in 2024

In today's fast-paced software development landscape, effective project management tools have become indispensable. Jira, a widely popular project management and issue-tracking tool, has gained a significant following due to its flexibility and powerful features. One such feature is the Jira roadmap, which facilitates planning, tracking, and communicating project progress. In this article, we'll guide you through setting up Jira roadmaps in 2024 and provide practical advice for getting the most out of this invaluable feature.

What are Jira Roadmaps?

A roadmap is a visual representation of a project's timeline, milestones, and dependencies. It serves as a high-level overview of a project's progress, helping stakeholders make informed decisions and maintain a clear understanding of the project's trajectory. Jira roadmaps are particularly beneficial due to their integration with other Jira features, enabling seamless project management.

Key Components of Jira Roadmaps:

Jira roadmaps consist of several key components, including:

  • Epic: A large user story or feature that can be broken down into smaller tasks.
  • Issue: A specific task or work item within an epic.
  • Release: A version of the product or software scheduled for deployment.
  • Dependency: A relationship between issues or epics where the completion of one is reliant on the completion of another.

[Read more: Jira Components and Subcomponents Simplified]

Importance of Creating a Roadmap in Jira

Creating a roadmap in Jira is important for several reasons; let's take a look at some of them.

1. Improves visibility and communication

A roadmap provides a single source of truth for everyone involved in the project, making it easy to see what needs to be done, when it needs to be done, and who is responsible for doing it. This can help to improve communication and collaboration between team members and stakeholders.

2. Helps to prioritize work

A roadmap can help you to identify and prioritize the most important work for the project. This can help you to stay on track and avoid scope creep.

3. Facilitates risk management

A roadmap can help you to identify and mitigate potential risks. For example, you can use the roadmap to identify dependencies between tasks and ensure that critical tasks are completed first.

4. Improves alignment and collaboration

A roadmap can help to align teams and stakeholders around common goals. This can help to improve collaboration and efficiency.

5. Provides a basis for tracking progress

A roadmap can provide a basis for tracking progress and measuring success. You can compare your progress against the roadmap to identify any areas you are falling behind.

How to Set Up the Jira Environment?

Before diving into Jira roadmaps, it's essential to set up your Jira environment:

1. Choosing the Right Jira Version

  • Choose the right Jira version for your needs: Jira Cloud, Server, or Data Center. Jira Cloud offers quick setup and automatic updates, while Server and Data Centers provide more control over infrastructure and security.

2. Creating Your Jira Project

  • Create a Jira project by selecting the appropriate project template based on your team's workflow (Scrum, Kanban, or Basic).

3. Configuring Your Project Settings

  • Configure your project settings, including permissions, notifications, and issue security schemes.

4. Customizing Issue Types and Workflows

  • Customize issue types, statuses, and workflows to align with your team's processes and terminology.

[Read more: Expert Tips For Project Management in Jira]

How to Create Your First Jira Roadmap?

Creating your first Jira Roadmap is an essential step toward effective project management and tracking in Jira. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

  1. Log in to Jira: Begin by logging in to your Jira account. You'll need appropriate permissions and access to set up and create roadmaps.
  2. Select Your Project: After logging in, select the Jira project for which you want to create a roadmap. Ensure that you have the necessary project permissions to create and modify roadmaps within that project.
  3. Access the Roadmaps Feature: In Jira, roadmaps are typically available as a feature within your project. To access it, navigate to the "Projects" or "Agile" section, depending on your Jira version. From there, select your project.
  4. Choose the Roadmap Option: Once you're inside your project, look for an option or tab labeled "Roadmap" or "View Roadmap." Click on it to access the roadmap interface.
  5. Create a New Roadmap: In the roadmap interface, you'll likely see an option to create a new roadmap. Click on this option to initiate the roadmap creation process.
  6. Name Your Roadmap: Give your roadmap a descriptive and meaningful name. This name should reflect the project or initiative you're planning to track with this roadmap.
  7. Select Start and End Dates: Determine the start and end dates for your roadmap. These dates will define the timeframe during which you'll be tracking and managing your project. Make sure the dates align with your project's goals and deadlines.
  8. Add Epics: Epics serve as high-level containers for grouping related tasks or user stories. To add epics to your roadmap, create new issues in Jira and assign them the issue type "Epic". Then, link these epics to your roadmap.
  9. Customize Your Roadmap: Jira typically provides options to customize your roadmap view. You can adjust the time frame, select specific epics to display, and choose other settings that suit your project's needs.
  10. Set Up Filters: Filters in Jira Roadmaps allow you to focus on specific aspects of your project. You can filter by team member, issue type, priority, or other criteria to get a tailored view of your roadmap.
  11. Share Your Roadmap: Collaboration is key to successful project management. Share your roadmap with team members, stakeholders, and other relevant parties. Jira often provides sharing options that allow you to generate a shareable link or invite specific users to view the roadmap.
  12. Regularly Update Your Roadmap: Your roadmap is a living document that should evolve as your project progresses. Regularly update it by marking tasks as "In Progress" or "Done," adjusting timelines, and adding new epics or issues as needed.
  13. Monitor Progress: Continuously monitor the progress of your project on the roadmap. Identify bottlenecks, dependencies, or areas that require attention, and take proactive steps to keep your project on track.

By following these steps, you'll be well on your way to creating your first Jira roadmap and effectively managing your project within Jira's robust project management ecosystem.

Managing Releases and Dependencies

Effectively managing releases and dependencies is crucial for successful project delivery. Begin by defining releases by creating a "Version" in Jira, specifying the release date and objectives. Use clear naming conventions for easy identification. Associate issues with releases by selecting the appropriate "Fix Version" in the issue details. 

Identify dependencies between issues and epics by creating issue links with the "Blocks" and "Is Blocked By" link types. Regularly review and manage these dependencies to mitigate potential risks. Visualize the impact of dependencies on your roadmap by enabling the "Dependency" view, which highlights dependent issues and potential conflicts.

Enhancing Your Jira Roadmap Experience

To make your Jira roadmap experience even better, consider the following tips:

  • Customize your roadmap view by adjusting the display settings, such as time frame and level of detail, to suit your preferences and project requirements.
  • Use filters to focus on specific aspects of your roadmap, such as team members, issue types, or priority levels. This can help you quickly identify bottlenecks or areas that need attention.
  • Integrate Jira roadmaps with other tools and platforms, such as Confluence for documentation or Slack for team communication, to streamline your workflows and improve collaboration.
  • Collaborate with team members using Jira roadmaps by sharing your roadmap, inviting comments, and assigning tasks. Encourage open and transparent communication to ensure everyone stays informed and engaged.

Best Practices for Jira Roadmaps

To make the most of your Jira roadmaps, keep the following best practices in mind:

1. Set Realistic Timelines:

Set realistic timelines and expectations to prevent overcommitment and reduce the risk of missed deadlines. Regularly review and adjust your roadmap as needed to account for priorities or resource availability changes.

2. Continuous Updates:

Continuously update your roadmap to reflect changes in priorities, progress, and any new information that comes to light. This ensures your roadmap remains a relevant and accurate reflection of your project's current state.

3. Effective Communication:

Use Jira roadmaps for communication and decision-making, as they provide a visual and easily digestible overview of your project's status. Share your roadmap with stakeholders to keep them informed and involved in the project.

Address and resolve issues in a timely manner to maintain momentum and avoid potential delays. Monitor your roadmap for potential bottlenecks or risks, and take proactive steps to address them.

Read More: How to Sync Jira Projects to a Notion Database : 3 Easy Ways

Improve Project Management with Jira Roadmaps

In summary, Jira roadmaps are a powerful tool for planning, tracking, and communicating your software development projects. By setting up your Jira environment, creating and managing roadmaps, and following best practices, you can significantly improve your project management capabilities and ensure project success. 

However, simply using Jira, might not be enough to get the best out of your project space, an engineering analytics tool can equip you with the data-driven insights you need to place your team on top. Hatica offers metrics across 13 dashboards, powered by CI/CD tools, JiraGitHub, Azure, CircleCI, and GitLab. By collating tool activities at one place, Hatica helps teams streamline their workflow and improve productivity.

Subscribe to the Hatica blog today to read more about unblocking developers, and boosting productivity with engineering analytics.


1. What is the difference between a roadmap and a plan in Jira?

In Jira, a roadmap outlines your long-term vision and goals, while a plan focuses on the detailed tasks and execution needed to achieve those goals.

2. Is Jira good for the product roadmap?

Yes, Jira is an excellent tool for managing product roadmaps offering effective planning, tracking, and collaborating features.

3. How do I create an advanced roadmap in Jira?

Define your strategy, use Jira's features effectively, and keep your roadmap flexible to adapt as needed for success.

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Table of Contents
  • What are Jira Roadmaps?
  • Key Components of Jira Roadmaps:
  • Importance of Creating a Roadmap in Jira
  • 1. Improves visibility and communication
  • 2. Helps to prioritize work
  • 3. Facilitates risk management
  • 4. Improves alignment and collaboration
  • 5. Provides a basis for tracking progress
  • How to Set Up the Jira Environment?
  • How to Create Your First Jira Roadmap?
  • Managing Releases and Dependencies
  • Enhancing Your Jira Roadmap Experience
  • Best Practices for Jira Roadmaps
  • 1. Set Realistic Timelines:
  • 2. Continuous Updates:
  • 3. Effective Communication:
  • Improve Project Management with Jira Roadmaps
  • FAQs
  • 1. What is the difference between a roadmap and a plan in Jira?
  • 2. Is Jira good for the product roadmap?
  • 3. How do I create an advanced roadmap in Jira?

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