What are Dora Metrics & Why Do They Matter?

Master DORA metrics for DevOps success. Learn actionable insights, debunk myths, and implement best practices for efficient software delivery.
DORA Metrics from Hatica

Do you constantly strive to streamline your software development process? Are you feeling the pressure to deliver software faster and more efficiently, but struggle to identify areas for improvement in your development process?

Then DORA Metrics might be the key you've been missing.

DORA, standing for DevOps Research and Assessment, has established a set of industry-standard metrics that empower you to precisely gauge your software delivery performance. These metrics act as a roadmap, guiding you towards optimized DevOps practices and bridging any gaps within your Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC).

This comprehensive blog ventures into the world of DORA Metrics. We'll explore their journey to becoming benchmarks, unveil their importance, and equip you with the knowledge to leverage DORA for a thriving DevOps culture.

By the time you finish this guide, you'll be able to:

  • Grasp the core DORA metrics
  • Measure the effectiveness of your DevOps initiatives
  • Fine-tune your software delivery process

So, keep reading to leverage the power of DevOps Research and Assessment metrics for your team and take your software development to the next level!

What are DORA Metrics?

DORA metrics (DevOps Research & Assessment) are a set of metrics used to measure the performance of an organization’s DevOps execution. These metrics outline the areas an organization should concentrate on during their DevOps transformation initiatives.

These metrics are used to measure the ability of teams and organizations to deliver applications quickly and reliably. They measure the speed, quality, and operational performance of a company’s software, as well as how well they enable organizational agility.

In 2018, Google’s research program run by the DevOps Research and Assessment (DORA) team conducted a survey of thousands of development teams from a variety of industries to determine what distinguishes a high-performing team from a low-performing one. The research team presented the following four key metrics that indicate successful software development and delivery performance:

  • Deployment frequency (DF),
  • Mean lead time for changes (MLT),
  • Mean time to recover (MTTR), and 
  • Change failure rate (CFR).

The DORA team later compiled all their years of research, and insights into the Accelerate book where the team goes on to show how organizational goals, culture, operational performance, and developer work is mapped to each other- the basic premise of the DORA metrics.

What are the Four Pillars of Dora Metrics?

The DORA metrics entail a set of four parameters to define the success of software delivery. 

If teams want to assess their DevOps' effectiveness in delivering business outcomes, they cannot afford to overlook these metrics.

The DORA team initially studied developer teams, and discovered trunk based development is the key to optimized deliveries. But it wasn’t enough, the team analyzed every nook and corners of the development process, and that’s how the four metrics were born. As the metrics got due recognition, organizations wanted to adopt DORA to realize their true potential. 

These metrics are spread across two domains: software quality or stability, and delivery velocity. They help teams base their performance into industry standards of high, medium, and low performers. 

The four metrics are:

Four types of DORA metrics

1. Cycle Time

Cycle time from DORA Metrics dashboard - Hatica

Cycle time is the duration required for a feature or a user story to complete the development process, from the beginning to the end- right from coding, to testing, and final deployment. A lengthy cycle time may signal issues with the development process. It might be ineffective collaboration or the absence of automation. 

To shorten the cycle time, it is important to recognize and address the bottlenecks in your development process, which could include implementing automation tools, enhancing communication and collaboration between teams, or simplifying the development process.

2. Change Failure Rate (CFR)

Change Failure Rate from DORA Metrics dashboard - Hatica

CFR, or Change Failure Rate, shows how often any new change causes disruption to your system. It is the ratio of total issues and number of changes over a time period. A high CFR indicates that there are issues with your deployment process, and can snowball into customer dissatisfaction, lost revenue, and even damage to a company's reputation.

To improve your CFR, it's essential to identify the root cause of your failures. This could be anything from insufficient testing to poorly designed infrastructure. Once teams have identified the problem, they can take the next steps, including adopting automated testing or redesigning infrastructure.

3. Mean Time to Restore (MTTR) 

Mean TIME TO restore- DORA metrics

MTTR, or Mean Time to Restore, is the time taken to restore service after a failure. A high MTTR indicates issues with the incident response process, even leading to extended downtime, and software quality issues.

In order to decrease the Mean Time to Repair (MTTR), the DevOps teams need to implement a well-defined incident response plan, with carefully crafted roles, specified communication channels, and a protocol to track and document incidents. By establishing a clear-cut incident response strategy, engineering teams can promptly detect and resolve issues without having to compromise on software delivery. 

4. Deployment Frequency (DF)

Deployment Frequency from DORA Metrics dashboard - Hatica

Deployment Frequency measures how often code changes are deployed to production. A high deployment frequency can indicate that the team’s development process is efficient and they are delivering features and functionality pretty quickly to customers. DF defines the final results of your SDLC, as it directly impacts how buyers/users consume a product. 

To increase deployment frequency, it's essential to have an efficient and reliable deployment process in place. 

Understanding how these metrics work together is essential to maximize their value and potential impact. For example, a team with a low deployment frequency but a high change failure rate is probably having difficulty getting their ideas integrated into production quickly. By understanding the four metrics, teams can quickly identify, and remove blockers, and build on productive work. Read here to find more about the four DevOps metrics, and how they impact software velocity, market time, and overall developer workflow. 

6 Benefits of Tracking DORA Metrics

1. Performance Insight:

DORA metrics provide valuable insights into the performance of your software delivery and operations. By tracking metrics such as lead time, deployment frequency, change failure rate, and mean time to recovery, you can gain a clear understanding of your team's efficiency and identify areas for improvement.

2. Data-Driven Decision Making:

With DORA metrics, you can make data-driven decisions regarding process improvements, resource allocation, and prioritization. By analyzing the metrics, you can identify bottlenecks, optimize workflows, and allocate resources effectively, leading to better outcomes and increased productivity.

3. Continuous Improvement:

DORA metrics enable you to measure the impact of process changes and improvements over time. By tracking the metrics consistently, you can monitor progress, identify trends, and ensure that your team is continuously improving their software delivery practices.

4. Performance Benchmarking:

DORA metrics provide a benchmark for comparing your team's performance against industry standards and top-performing organizations. This benchmarking allows you to identify areas where your team excels and areas where there is room for improvement, helping you set realistic goals and drive continuous improvement efforts.

5. Collaboration and Alignment:

DORA metrics serve as a common language for teams and stakeholders. By tracking and sharing these metrics, you can foster collaboration, alignment, and shared accountability among different teams involved in the software delivery process. This promotes a culture of transparency and collective ownership of outcomes.

6. Customer Satisfaction:

By focusing on metrics such as deployment frequency and change failure rate, DORA metrics indirectly contribute to improved customer satisfaction. When teams deliver software faster, with fewer failures and quicker recovery times, it leads to a more stable and reliable product, enhancing the overall customer experience.

DevOps Research and Assessment metrics empower organizations to gain insights, make data-driven decisions, drive continuous improvement, benchmark performance, foster collaboration, and ultimately deliver better products to customers.

4 Challenges in Implementing DORA Metrics 

The DORA metrics offer data-backed insights into existing and/or desired software delivery performance, equipping organizations with the ability to improve, and iterate continuously. Despite the availability of these metrics, most engineering teams still struggle to utilize them effectively, resulting in unnecessary challenges and missed prospects. 

Here are some of the most common challenges, software teams are likely to encounter when using these metrics:

1. Mixing up the Process and Outcome Metrics

The DORA metrics have two distinct categories – process and outcome metrics. Process metrics measure specific parameters within the software development cycle, including time required to fix bugs or how quickly new features are deployed. 

Outcome metrics, on the other hand, measure the overall performance and success of the process, including factors like customer satisfaction with the product and the frequency of successful deployments. It’s important to understand the differences between these two categories of metrics to get an accurate picture of the impact of your software delivery processes.

For example, the metric “Lead Time For Changes” looks at the time it takes to complete changes from the moment they are identified until they are released, while the metric “Deployment Frequency” looks at the frequency of deployments. Although these two metrics evaluate similar aspects of the DevOps process, one of them focuses on the time needed to implement a change, while the other concentrates on the frequency of releases.

Teams need to find a balance between creating a watershed compartment between the four metrics, while combining the results to get the overall SDLC picture. 

2. Focusing too much on Outcomes Than Process Improvement 

A common mistake among teams is to concentrate too much on the individual outcomes than focusing on the overall process improvement. Most teams we talk to have a common challenge: they keep chasing DORA results, and lose sight of the bigger picture. Instead of simply tracking development cycles, engineering teams should focus on quality assurance and customer satisfaction, to truly understand the performance of the project.

The best way to avoid this pitfall is to use additional DevOps metrics like PR size, sprint velocity, and developer well-being for complete factual visibility into the overall development cycle. DORA offers one piece of the SDLC puzzle, the rest is something teams need to figure out as they evolve- based on size, complexities and product development. 

3. Using DORA Without Enough Context 

It’s important to set realistic expectations when using DORA metrics. Too often, businesses set reasonable goals for their software development projects but fail to measure their progress against those goals. Use DORA metrics to track progress and measure success, but also move beyond these metrics to understand the context of the software development process. 

Although the metrics offer a good base for assessing DevOps performance, they shouldn't be the sole source of truth for your team. The accuracy of the four metrics should be verified by feedback and interviews with stakeholders- right from devs, to team leads, and engineering managers, so everyone on the team gets a full picture of how the whole development cycle is moving. 

For example, when considering the metric “Change Volume Per Day”, the number of changes made per day is only a surface-level metric. The actual quality of the changes, the time and effort breakdown, and their impact on the system require additional context that cannot be gleaned solely from the metric.

While the DORA team has already come up with enough benchmarks to base DevOps performances, it is advisable for teams to improvise on them, rather than chasing the elite team numbers impulsively. Each team is different, and so is their team size, the nature of work done, and type of products built. Customize DORA as per your team requirements, and not contrariwise. 

4. Missing Out on Engineering Analytics 

Data is useless unless put to use, with enough context, and clear team targets. The numbers cannot speak for themselves unless they are fueled with what teams need to achieve further, and define areas of improvement. Data analytics helps teams to extract insights from raw data, so teams have complete control over their process, and not the other way round. Make sure to leverage the data generated by the DORA metrics to plug SDLC bottlenecks, make better informed decisions, and drive improvements in the software delivery process.

Keep in mind that the DORA metrics solely present a high-level outline of DevOps performance. In order to truly assess the health and performance of a DevOps process, teams need to take a closer look at additional variables, including environmental factors (including organizational culture), infrastructure complexity and scalability, tooling, and team dynamics.

An engineering analytics combines all available team and process indicators at one place by collating all related data. That way, engineering teams can have complete visibility into how their DevOps pipeline is moving, the blockers, and what needs to be done at individual contributor and team levels.

Why Do DevOps Teams Need DORA?

The modern DevOps landscape is constantly evolving, with new issues stemming in every second deployment. However, most of these failures have common, fixed patterns. With a well-defined SDLC process, successful DevOps, and QA hand-offs, and data-driven metrics teams can double down on engineering effectiveness

Let’s talk about the latter today. DORA was built on the principle of continuous improvement that binds all engineering teams together. The four indicators are a litmus test to an organization’s continuous delivery and software deployment efficacy. More so, DORA metrics provide research-based guidance, backed by team data into how organizations manage DevOps, measure their development progress, and develop effective technology pipelines. 

What’s more is DORA doesn’t confine itself to examine the pipeline blockers, but are a clear reflection of a company’s progress across security, and reliability efforts. When teams integrate DORA evaluation to their CI/CD pipeline, they open themselves to look at their delivery side from a 360 degree view, and factual visibility. For example- Teams with DORA metrics have a higher chance of undergoing application-level security scanning regularly. 

The teams also practice logging code history, and build scripts, right after they started getting value after continuous use of DORA. These practices, no matter how trivial, goes a long way in establishing an organization’s dominance as DevOps leaders. 

Moreover, with the right use of DORA metrics, DevOps teams have seen a drastic increase in the software delivery rate, while experiencing a massive shift in downtime. This increased efficiency is a result of a well-orchestrated approach to DevOps. 

DORA equips organizations with enough tools and visibility to implement a DevOps environment, through various assessments, capabilities, metrics, and reports, with Accelerate being one of them. 

Teams can make use of DORA to continuously assess their progress, pinpoint areas of weakness, and adopt workflows that enhance overall team effectiveness. For example, DORA allows companies to base their lead times for changes against industry standard, and receive a breakdown of what’s working/not working in optimizing their lead time. 

Ultimately, DORA helps engineering teams to stay on the leading edge in today’s volatile technology landscape. By taking advantage of DORA’s insights, teams can be sure to remain competitive, deliver high-quality software and services, and maximize operational efficiency in their DevOps environment.

While teams realize the benefits of using DORA for improving software delivery, they still lack a holistic understanding of what DORA exactly is.

How to Implement Dora Metrics?

Implementing DORA Metrics is a valuable process for engineering leaders to understand team performance and overall effectiveness. By using tools like Hatica, leaders can centralize data from their development pipeline, ensuring accurate metric capture. Set clear, achievable goals for each metric based on team objectives and industry standards.

DORA Metrics Dashboard

DORA metrics serve as a starting point to highlight areas needing attention, enabling managers and teams to investigate processes and make impactful changes. Furthermore, visual dashboards can be optimized to monitor metric performance in real time, pinpointing areas for improvement.

You can also leverage insights from metric analysis to drive process enhancements, such as improving testing practices or implementing automation. 

Once you put this practice into place, you can then regularly assess the metric impact on software delivery capabilities and refine your approach based on feedback and data insights to achieve optimal performance. 

This systematic approach fosters continuous improvement in software delivery aligned with organizational goals.

How to Measure Dora Metrics?

Measuring DORA metrics involves gathering data from various stages of your development and delivery pipeline. This includes integrating tools such as source control, continuous integration (CI), continuous deployment (CD), application performance monitoring (APM), and incident management.

Platforms like Hatica simplify this process by providing a centralized hub to track and analyze these metrics from different tools and platforms. This comprehensive view helps in understanding overall DevOps performance.

Through Hatica, you can establish custom goals for each DORA metric. By setting specific objectives for lead time, deployment frequency, change failure rate, and time to restore service, teams can methodically address inefficiencies and strive for continuous improvement. These benchmarks enable teams to measure progress and pinpoint areas for optimization.

8 Best Practices for Using DORA Metrics

Now that we know what DORA metrics are, and how to use them for assessing DevOps execution, let’s see the best practices industry leaders follow:

1. Expand Automation and Agile Development Processes

Using agile and automation together is your silver bullet in improving the speed of the development and deployment cycle. Automation can save administrators time on mundane tasks and create better results. Moreover, Agile development processes can increase collaboration, improve communication and enhance decision-making in the development process.

When teams combine DevOps, and agile together, they create room for more iterative processes. Using DORA metrics on top of your agile+automation combination can help teams build better workflows.   

2. Don’t Forget to Secure Your DevOps Pipeline 

Security is an integral part of DevOps processes. The idea is to protect the system from attack, any kind of breach, and identify errors and defects more quickly. Engineering teams can build on the organizational security by incorporating access control and authentication processes, Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), system monitoring, following a least privilege model, and constantly updating and patching software.

The metrics can work wonders when the system is breach-proof, even reducing downtimes, and in turn, MTTR. 

3. Continuous Testing, and Use of Tools like Docker

Tools like Docker can create a platform-agnostic environment and help automate the configuration and deployment processes. To maintain a secure and updated code, teams should carry out continuous testing and eliminate any potential bugs or malicious software. It circumvents unplanned downtime and prevents critical errors from reaching the market.

4. Create a Culture of Collaboration and Innovation

A DevOps culture encourages continuous innovation, feedback and collaboration between developers, operations, and other stakeholders. This involves celebrating successes, fail-forward learning, experimentation, and embracing a ‘fail fast’ attitude. Moreover, encouraging team training, sharing of knowledge, respect, and transparency boosts motivation and engagement. Smooth team hand-offs are prerequisite to any elite team. 

DevOps benefits from cross-functional integration- developers, operations engineers, and other personnel should be encouraged to share knowledge and insights in order to gain a better understanding on project status.

Creating an atmosphere of education fosters collaboration and incentivizes team members to work more productively and efficiently together.

5. Monitor the Complete Agile Cycle

Organizations should actively monitor all stages of the Agile cycle for any issues.

This includes the elicitation, analysis, design, coding, implement and testing stages. Knowing how these stages operate makes it easier to foresee any possible problems and to make sure that all parties involved are on the same page.

6. Automate the DORA Metrics

Engineering teams should consider automating their DORA Metrics to ensure accurate and consistent data. This can be done by deploying automated monitoring systems or through an engineering analytics platform.

7. Establish a Baseline

Organizations should also establish a baseline for their metric measurements to ensure that there are valid points of comparison when assessing the performance of the DevOps initiatives. This baseline will provide context and enable organizations to easily identify changes and trends over time.

8. Streamline the Reporting

To maximize the value of the data collected through the metrics, teams should streamline their reporting process to enable faster access to insights and improved decision-making. Engineering analytics platforms can transform raw information into meaningful insights by collating all data from multiple sources, for improved visibility into the development process.

How Much Do DORA Metrics Cost? 

Remember those days when streamlining your software delivery with DORA Metrics meant a hefty monthly bill? Thankfully, those days are gone!

Originally, utilizing DORA metrics required significant investment. Engineering managers had to depend on various sources to generate these metrics, often delivered as physical PDFs (can you believe it?). These services could rack up thousands of dollars each month.

But here's the good news: advancements in data collection and integration technology have slashed the cost of gathering DORA data. This translates to a major win for you - DORA metrics are now readily available and cost-efficient, regardless of your company size or team structure with Hatica. 

This shift means you can focus on the true power of DORA metrics: pinpointing areas for improvement, optimizing your DevOps practices and ultimately achieving smooth and efficient software delivery. 

How are Companies Optimizing DORA Metrics?

Companies that adopt DORA metrics cultivate a culture of continual improvement and learning. By measuring and analyzing software delivery performance, teams can pinpoint areas for enhancement and swiftly adapt to changing customer needs and market dynamics. 

This business agility empowers organizations to pivot quickly, seize opportunities, and effectively manage risks.

Research from the DevOps Institute reveals that organizations with mature DevOps practices, guided by DORA metrics, are twice as likely to surpass their financial targets. This might be because streamlined software delivery processes lead to cost savings, reduce time spent on manual tasks, and boost overall productivity, correlating directly with improved financial outcomes.

Alignment of Development and Business Goals

DORA metrics serve as a shared language for technical and business teams. By aligning software delivery performance with business objectives, organizations ensure that development efforts directly contribute to strategic goals. This alignment fosters a collaborative environment where teams unite for shared success.

Talent Attraction and Retention

Top talent gravitates towards organizations that prioritize innovation and invest in modern software delivery practices. Emphasizing DORA metrics showcases a commitment to fostering an environment where employees can excel, grow, and contribute to meaningful projects. This focus on continuous improvement enhances talent attraction and retention, reducing turnover costs and maintaining a skilled workforce.

In conclusion, the impact of DORA metrics on business is profound. Efficient software delivery processes, guided by these metrics, accelerate time-to-market, boost customer satisfaction, enhance business agility, and drive improved financial performance. Leveraging these metrics allows organizations to align development efforts with business goals, attract top talent, and gain a competitive edge in rapidly evolving digital landscapes. Embracing DORA metrics isn't solely for DevOps teams—it's a strategic imperative that drives success and prosperity across the entire business.

5 Myths About DORA Metrics:

While the four DevOps metrics help accumulate data-backed insights into the overall development process; sometimes teams can have several latent prejudices against using DORA metrics. It might be either because of lack of documentation around using DORA, or the complexity of a team’s SDLC  

Here is a list of five common myths about DORA metrics that most teams face:

Myth #1: Only Used in Large Enterprises

This misconception is a common one, and finds its root in the first DORA assessment. The metrics were originally used in large-scale enterprises, including banks, telcos, and e-commerce businesses. Nevertheless, small and medium-sized enterprises can also take advantage of these benefits without any hindrance. With the right implementation, DORA metrics can give the same insights and performance results to companies of any size. All managers have to do is enroll team members into using the four metrics, with bi-weekly/monthly reviews. 

Myth #2: Takes Too Long To Implement

The implementation of DORA metrics can take a significant chunk of your time, depending on the size and complexity of the software platform. However, it’s important to keep in mind that a successful DORA metric implementation can actually save you time in the long run, once you start to experience the driver performance analytics. When it comes to execution, it is the initial setup, and team training taking the most of the chunk, rest comes to teams easily. 

Myth #3: Too difficult to understand

Understanding and interpreting the data produced by DORA metrics can be a challenge. Traditionally, the data collection, cleaning, transformation and analysis can seem overwhelming, however, with the right engineering analytics tools, teams will be able to leverage the power of DORA metrics without having to become an expert in analytics.

Myth #4: Expensive And Difficult To Maintain

In the past, DORA metrics were recognized as being expensive to build and difficult to maintain, especially because of their reliance on complex scripts and component monitoring. However, today there are simpler and cost-effective alternatives available allowing for simpler setups and efficient analysis.

Myth #5: Used For Software Delivery Only 

DORA metrics and analytics are commonly associated with software delivery, but they can also be used to examine, and improve performance of other applications and services. In fact, the insights gained by analyzing your applications and services can be extremely beneficial in helping to identify problem areas, prevent service interruption, and accelerate development.

Overall, understanding and leveraging the power of DORA metrics is crucial in this digital age. As the software development industry advances, so do the myths and prejudices surrounding the use of DORA metrics. With the right implementation practices, engineering teams can capitalize on the insights obtained through the right use of DORA metrics and optimize their software journey.

Monitoring DORA Metrics With Hatica

Hatica offers a comprehensive view of the four DORA metrics by collating inputs across digital toolstack and offer data-driven insights to understand the DevOps bottlenecks of a team.

Dora Engineering Metrics Dashboard

The DORA dashboard takes into account deployments occurring in your code base and the way fixes are implemented, through analyzing repository, change failure, and deployment base.

The data, with some added context, and additional metrics around deployment times, PR, and progress status helps teams see the missing pieces of their SDLC equation, and pave their way toward continuous improvement.

DORA it is for DevOps Success

In summary, DORA is a great way for companies to measure and improve their development process. Not only does it furnish meaningful data that can pinpoint areas for enhancement in the process, but it also offers an industry-wide standard. DORA provides powerful and actionable insights, making it the perfect tool to help DevOps teams succeed.

Follow the Hatica blog today to read more about agility, unblocking developers, and boosting productivity with engineering analytics. 


1. Which DORA metrics are commonly used?

Some commonly used DORA metrics include deployment frequency, change failure rate, lead time for changes, and mean recovery time. These metrics help organizations assess their software delivery speed, reliability, and stability.

2. How can DORA metrics be measured?

DORA metrics can be measured using data collected from software delivery processes, version control systems, continuous integration and deployment tools, incident management systems, and other relevant sources. Automated tracking and reporting tools can assist in collecting and analyzing the necessary data.

3. What are the benefits of using DORA metrics?

Using DORA metrics enables teams to gain insights into their DevOps performance, identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement, make data-driven decisions, and drive continuous improvement. These metrics help teams enhance their software delivery processes, increase efficiency, and achieve better business outcomes.

4. How can organizations leverage DORA metrics to drive success?

Organizations can leverage these metrics by establishing baseline measurements, setting improvement targets, implementing best practices, and monitoring progress over time. By continuously measuring and optimizing DORA metrics, organizations can enhance their DevOps practices and achieve higher levels of performance and success.

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Table of Contents
  • What are DORA Metrics?
  • What are the Four Pillars of Dora Metrics?
  • 1. Cycle Time
  • 2. Change Failure Rate (CFR)
  • 3. Mean Time to Restore (MTTR) 
  • 4. Deployment Frequency (DF)
  • 6 Benefits of Tracking DORA Metrics
  • 1. Performance Insight:
  • 2. Data-Driven Decision Making:
  • 3. Continuous Improvement:
  • 4. Performance Benchmarking:
  • 5. Collaboration and Alignment:
  • 6. Customer Satisfaction:
  • 4 Challenges in Implementing DORA Metrics 
  • 1. Mixing up the Process and Outcome Metrics
  • 2. Focusing too much on Outcomes Than Process Improvement 
  • 3. Using DORA Without Enough Context 
  • 4. Missing Out on Engineering Analytics 
  • Why Do DevOps Teams Need DORA?
  • How to Implement Dora Metrics?
  • How to Measure Dora Metrics?
  • 8 Best Practices for Using DORA Metrics
  • 1. Expand Automation and Agile Development Processes
  • 2. Don’t Forget to Secure Your DevOps Pipeline 
  • 3. Continuous Testing, and Use of Tools like Docker
  • 4. Create a Culture of Collaboration and Innovation
  • 5. Monitor the Complete Agile Cycle
  • 6. Automate the DORA Metrics
  • 7. Establish a Baseline
  • 8. Streamline the Reporting
  • How Much Do DORA Metrics Cost? 
  • How are Companies Optimizing DORA Metrics?
  • Alignment of Development and Business Goals
  • Talent Attraction and Retention
  • 5 Myths About DORA Metrics:
  • Myth #1: Only Used in Large Enterprises
  • Myth #2: Takes Too Long To Implement
  • Myth #3: Too difficult to understand
  • Myth #4: Expensive And Difficult To Maintain
  • Myth #5: Used For Software Delivery Only 
  • Monitoring DORA Metrics With Hatica
  • DORA it is for DevOps Success
  • FAQs
  • 1. Which DORA metrics are commonly used?
  • 2. How can DORA metrics be measured?
  • 3. What are the benefits of using DORA metrics?
  • 4. How can organizations leverage DORA metrics to drive success?

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