⚙️ Configuration
Edit GitHub Ids

How to edit IDs of apps like Github, Slack, etc?

Any connected app in your account can be used to add user's identities from that app in Hatica.

For example, if you've connected Github with Hatica, you can add Github IDs to users in Hatica and have that data be a part of all metrics as required.

All IDs of users of any connected apps can be updated from the Team Management tab in the app Settings menu. Follow the steps below to see how.

Anyone who can login can update their IDs - but it's recommend that managers manage the identities of their reports

Step 1: Enter edit user mode

Hatica - Edit Github ID - Step 1

From the list of users in the Members table, click on the user who's data you wish to edit.

Step 2: Scroll down to Identities table to edit

Hatica - Edit Github ID - Step 2

Identities table exists for every user.

This table lists all identities (App Name, associated ID combination) associated with that particular user.

Simply click on the "Edit" button of the identity you wish to edit to invoke the Edit popup.

Step 3: Make edits and Save

Hatica - Edit Github ID - Step 3

Once the Edit associated ID pop up is invoked, edit the ID to reflect the ID you wish to update the existing one with and click save.

That's it!