🛠️ Custom

Explore and Custom Dashboards

The Explore and Custom Dashboards feature is designed to help you explore all the metrics Hatica offers, query them and build custom dashboards.

Custom Dashboard

Query Builder

The Query Builder is the primary tool for querying and building custom dashboards in Hatica. Its user-friendly interface enables you to create custom widgets, monitor specific data points, and expand beyond Hatica's default metrics and dashboards. Here's how it works:

Custom Dashboard Query


  • Measures: Quantitative metrics that Hatica tracks. These are the numbers you use to measure engineering performance, like total counts (e.g., Pull Requests Count) or averages (e.g., Pull Request Merge Time Avg).
  • Dimensions: Qualitative attributes that categorize or describe your data. These are the details that help you understand your measures, like the date a pull request was created (Pull Request Creation Date) or the team that worked on it (Team).
  • Segments: Segments are subsets of your data that share certain characteristics. They allow you to focus on and compare specific groups within your data.
  • Time: The time parameter specifies the time range for your data analysis. It allows you to focus your query on a particular period (e.g., Last Month, Current Quarter).
  • Filters: Filters help you narrow down your data by specifying conditions that must be met. Each filter consists of three parts:
    • Measure: The quantitative metric you want to filter by (e.g., Pull Requests Count).
    • Operator: The condition applied to the measure (e.g., equals, greater than, less than).
    • Value: The specific value to filter the measure by (e.g., >50).


You can represent your data using various types of visualizations. Choose the chart type that provides the clearest representation of your data and insights.

Custom Dashboard Visualizations

  1. Line: Ideal for showing trends or changes over time.
  2. Area: Similar to line charts but with areas filled in below the lines, making it useful for emphasizing magnitude or proportions.
  3. Bar: Effective for comparing values across different categories.
  4. Pie: Useful for showing proportions or percentages of a whole.
  5. Table: Presents data in a structured format, suitable for detailed examination or comparison.
  6. Number: Displays a single numerical value, suitable for highlighting a key metric or KPI.

Creating a Custom Dashboard

  • Go to Hatica's Explore Page: (opens in a new tab). Custom Dashboard Query Measures
  • Use the query builder to define Measures, Dimensions, Segments, Time Duration, and Filters. Custom Dashboard Query Built
  • Select the appropriate chart type to represent your data. Custom Dashboard Query Built Area
  • Click "Add to Dashboard" to save your widget. Custom Dashboard Add to Dashboard
  • Click on create a new dashboard. Dashboards help you organize and monitor your data effectively. Provide a name for your chart and click "Save". Custom create new Dashboard

Managing Custom Dashboards and Widgets

  • Rename and Delete Dashboards: Custom dashboards can be found under the “Custom” view in the Dashboards list. Click on the three dots next to a dashboard name to rename or delete the dashboard. Custom Dashboard Manage
  • Edit or Delete Widgets: To manage individual widgets within a dashboard, click on the three dots at the top right of the widget. From there, you can rename, edit, or delete the widget as needed. Custom Dashboard Edit Widget