🗂️ Projects


The Project Dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of your organization's projects, enabling you to track their progress, delivery, effort, and performance. Projects in Hatica are a versatile entity that encompasses boards, labels, initiatives, or custom-defined projects, catering to Scrum and Kanban methodologies. Use the Settings → Projects menu to define your projects.

Project: List View

Project List General Information

From the main page of your Projects dashboard, you can see the list of projects in your organization and an at-a-glance update on team allocation, planning accuracy and capacity accuracy. To dig deeper into an individual project, click on the Project itself to open the Expanded View.


  1. Duration filter: This helps you filter data for the desired duration.
  2. Effort Measure: Measure for the effort spent, either story points or issue count.
  3. Projects Selector: Select the projects you want to view, by default all the views are selected.

General Project Information

Project List General Information

This section provides a detailed overview of the project, including:

  • Name of the project.
  • Defined scope of the project (Epics, Jira Project, Initiatives, etc.).
  • Methodology used, either Scrum or Kanban.
  • Duration of iterations or sprints in weeks.
  • Percentage of the current iteration that has been completed.
  • Project's health indicator:
    • Idle: No activity detected within the selected time frame.
    • In Progress: Active engagement and ongoing tasks.
    • At Risk: Project is at risk of being delayed.
    • Delayed: Project is incomplete beyond the end date.

People Effort

Project List People Effort

This section provides insights into the level of team involvement in the project, including:

  • Average Contributors: The average number of individuals actively participating in the project per iteration or sprint.
  • Contributor Trend: A bar chart depicting the number of contributors in recent sprints, allowing you to visualize variations over time.


Project List Accuracy

Based on the methodology type of the project this section displays relevant information about delivery efficiency.

  • Planning Accuracy: This metric represents the ratio of planned issues or story points completed out of the total planned for the iteration. Projects with a planning accuracy below <80% should be looked into to identify root causes for the low planning accuracy.
  • Capacity Accuracy: This metric measures the total issues or story points (both planned and unplanned) completed by your team in an iteration compared to the originally planned amount. This measure helps understand whether the work being planned is greater than or lower than the available engineering “bandwidth” and is independent of planning accuracy. Teams that deliver more work than planned have >100% capacity accuracy and teams that deliver less work than planned have <100% capacity accuracy.


Project List Investments

This section provides a breakdown of the team's investments in different types of work and their priority. It shows the percentage of total tasks completed, offering insights into how the team's efforts are distributed. The information is visualized using two ring charts:

  • Priority: The tasks are categorized by their priority levels (High, Highest, Medium, Low), indicating the urgency and importance of the work completed by the team.
  • Work Type: The tasks are also classified based on the issue types defined in the project management platform (e.g., Task, Sub Task, Bug), providing a clear picture of the nature of work accomplished.

Project Details: Expanded View

Get a comprehensive view of your project's performance by clicking on any project in the list. Here, you'll find insightful metrics that offer a clear picture of how your project is progressing.

Hover over and click into specific iterations or sprints in order to see specific metrics for these segments.

Project Dashboards


  1. Duration filter: This helps you filter data for the desired duration.
  2. Effort Measure: Measure for the effort spent, either story points or issue count.

Accuracy Scores

Project Detail Accuracy

This shows the average accuracy for the relevant timeframe as well as iteration breakdown of the planning accuracy.

  • Planning Accuracy: Planning accuracy measures the ratio between planned issues/story points and what were actually delivered from that list.
  • Capacity Accuracy: Capacity accuracy measures how many issues or story points your team completed in an iteration (planned and unplanned) vs the amount that was planned.


Project Detail Delivery

This view breaks down your project into the issues/story points that were planned and unplanned. It also breaks down completed, and incomplete work.

  • Planned work: Story points or issues added before or within 24 hours of a sprint beginning.
  • Added work: Story points or issues added after a sprint begins.

People Effort

Project Detail Effort

Number of people who completed a story point or issue for the project in each iteration.

Individual Sprint/Iteration Delivery Breakdown

Project Detail Delivery Breakdown

Click on any sprint or week from your extended view to find additional information about a single iteration or week. Clicking on the iteration/week will open a page that displays iteration-specific information about the planning accuracy, delivery, investment profile, and people effort.

Hatica lists all issues used in calculating your metrics on the right side of this page. You can filter the view to view Planned Work, Added Work, Incomplete Work.