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Developer Summary

Dev Summary Dashboard

Conduct data-driven 1:1s and goal setting for your team members using the dev summary dashboard.

Video walkthrough

Apps powering this dashboard

  1. Git/VCS apps

  2. Communication tools

  3. Project management tools

Available filters

  1. Date range picker

  2. Filter by User

Some reasons to use this dashboard

  1. Deep dive into particular metrics for individuals to conduct data-driven 1:1s, provide feedback based on previous work, and work towards setting mutually agreed data-driven goals

  2. Understand work throughput and productive work: Significantly lower merged count can show gaps in work being done vs work that was pushed to production (i.e., real productive code in terms of business needs)

  3. Identify Review workload: Higher PR reviews when compared to PRs created can show people being over-burdened with reviews and not getting the time to write productive code

  4. Identify well-being: Understand at a team member level the amount of maker time they had in-order to plan better and prevent burnout

Further reading