Azure Boards

Azure Boards Cloud

In order to connect Azure Boards, we'll need two pieces of information:

  1. The names of Organizations in Azure DevOps you want to be processed via Hatica

  2. personal access token created in your Azure DevOps

Azure Boards Connector

Obtaining Organization Name

  • Please use this link (opens in a new tab) to the page where you’ll get a list of organizations
  • The part after the is the organization name
  • You can only connect one organization as of now

Create a Azure DevOps Personal access token

Here (opens in a new tab) is the official documentation Azure DevOps containing the instructions on how to create a Personal access token: 

Here is the list of permissions required by Hatica via the personal access token:

  1. vso.project [Project And Team Read]

  2. vso.profile [User Profile Read]

  3. [Work Items Read]

Note: It is advised to set the PAT expiry to the longest duration i.e 1 Year from the date of issue for a seamless experience