Azure Devops Server

Azure DevOps Server

In order to connect Azure DevOps, we'll need three pieces of information:

  1. The name of Collection (organisation) in Azure DevOps you want to be processed via Hatica

  2. personal access token created in your Azure DevOps

  3. The domain along with port where your hosted version of Azure DevOps instance is accessible from.

Azure Devops Connector

Obtaining Organization Name

  • You can find the list of orgnization here: your-domain-name/me?mkt=en-GB
  • The part after your domain name in the list is the organization name
  • You can only connect one organization as of now

Create a Azure DevOps Personal access token

Here (opens in a new tab) is the official documentation Azure DevOps containing the instructions on how to create a Personal access token: 

Here is the list of permissions required by Hatica via the personal access token:

  1. vso.code [Code Read]

  2. vso.project [Project And Team Read]

  3. vso.profile [User Profile Read]

  4. [Build Read]

  5. vso.graph [Graph Read]

Note: It is advised to set the PAT expiry to the longest duration i.e 1 Year from the date of issue for a seamless experience If your Azure DevOps Server instance is behind a firewall, please whitelist our IP addresses present here.