Bitbucket Server

Bitbucket Server

Connecting your Bitbucket Server

  1. In order to connect Bitbucket, we'll need these pieces of information:
    1. Access Token: Here (opens in a new tab) is the official documentation for Bitbucket containing the instructions on how to create a Personal access token.
    2. Domain: Where your hosted version of Jira instance. It should be accessible publicly.

    List of permissions required by Hatica via the access token: Project Read, Repository Read
    It is advised to set the PAT expiry to the longest duration for a seamless experience.

  2. Navigate to Connectors Page (opens in a new tab) and select Bitbucket Server.

    Bitbucket Server Connector Card
  3. Enter the earlier gather information in the form and click Connect.

    Bitbucket Server Connector Form
  4. Our system will verify the token and syncing will began.