
Connecting your Github

  1. In order to connect Github, we use Oauth2 authentication. Navigate to Connectors Page (opens in a new tab) and select Github.

    Github Connector Card
  2. You will be redirect to Github oauth wall. Select the org which you want to connect.

    Github Oauth Wall
  3. Now you have to select the repositories you want to give access to and click Install And Authorize.

    Github Oauth Wall
  4. Once done you will be redirected to Hatica app and sync process will begin. You can check the progress of the sync on the repositories (opens in a new tab) page.

Note: When you are installing hatica app in github from non-admin account, then you will see to Install, Authorize and Request button. In that case once admin has granted the access to Hatica app, do reach out to us on support to begin the syncing.


Q: What access level does Hatica needs?
A: We require read access to repos and commits and write access to repository hooks.

Q: How long does initial sync take?
A: In general it takes about a day. It depends on size of data/commits.

Q: How can I connect my secondary github org?
A: Head over to (opens in a new tab) and authorise the installation for the relevant orgs.

Q: How can I modify the repository access given to hatica app?
A: Follow this guide (opens in a new tab) from github to modify the access.