

Install the Hatica Jenkins app from the Connections page inside Hatica. You might have to generate and add an API key to complete the connection.

How to generate API token in Jenkins?

This is a step-by-step guide that shows how to generate a API token in Jenkins

Navigate to the admin panel

Jenkins - Generate API token - Step 1

Head over to the admin panel by clicking on the "admin" button which can generally be found on the top right corners of your Jenkins interface

Enter the configure menu

Jenkins - Generate API token - Step 2

Select Configure from the left panel to enter the configure part of the admin panel

Create a new token

Jenkins - Generate API token - Step 3

Click on Add new Token.

Then, add a name to the token and click on the "Generate" button to generate a API key for this application.


Just copy and paste the newly generated API token in Hatica when prompted.